Please click the link below to view the Year 5 timetable for week 3 (18.01.21):
STEM Learning – Home Learning Support
Click the link below to access home learning support from STEM Learning, there are a wide range of brilliant resources for all age groups:
Year 5 Remote Learning Timetable (11.01.21)
Please click the link below to view the Year 5 timetable for week 2 (11.01.21):
Lockdown Poem
One of our Year 5 children has written a fantastic poem called ‘Lockdown’. The vocabulary used in this poem is very powerful, and I think it is something that we can all relate to in some way. Well done on this creative and well crafted piece of homework!
Online Learning Platform
Hopefully, all being well, the setup of Office 365, as our online education platform, should be completed next week. This will mean that children will be able to access our online education platform from home, and access lessons with their teacher. We will use this alongside other appropriate online platforms (Mathletics, myON, Tapestry etc.) to ensure children can access their curriculum from home. Teachers will be able to provide feedback through the appropriate channels to ensure children continue to make progress whilst working from home.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Before allowing your child to access their Office 365 account, please ensure that you have read and understood the following policies (as they also apply to online learning from home):
Online Learning AUP October 2020
Online Safety Policy 2020-2021
In order to ensure online teaching sessions are of the highest quality, please also be aware that lessons will be recorded for monitoring purposes.
Thank you.
Home Learning Packs- 2 Weeks (Year 5)
Please find attached the link below to the class novel (The Boy in the Tower) and the Home Learning Packs for Year 5:
Boy in the Tower PDF – All Classes
Boy in the Tower Resource Booklet (2 Week Pack) – Mrs Brown and Miss Gregg’s Class
Week 1 Maths Year 5 – Miss Gregg/Mrs Brown’s Class
Week 2 Maths Year 5 – Miss Gregg/Mrs Brown’s Class
English Home Learning Pack – Miss Reed’s Class
Maths Home Learning Pack – Miss Reed’s Class
Please also be reminded that your child can access myON and Mathletics. If your child needs their login, please contact the class teacher via Class Dojo.
Online Safety Pack for Parents (Pack 7)
This is the seventh pack of #OnlineSafetyAtHome activity packs that we have received from the CEOP Education Team. It contains simple 15-minute activities you can do at home with your child using Thinkuknow resources.
Week 14 Home Learning Overview (13.07.20)
Please find below the overview for home learning and supporting resources for Year 5. You can access the documents by clicking on these links:
Weekly Overview Year 5 (13.07.20)
Harry Potter Maths Booklet 2 ( does not need reference to PowerPoints)
Be Awesome Go Big Workbook – Year 5
Week 13 Home Learning Overview (06.07.20)
Please find below the overview and resources for home learning for Year 5. You can access the documents by clicking on these links:
Weekly Overview Year 5 (06.07.20)
Online Safety Pack for Parents (Pack 6)
This is the sixth pack of #OnlineSafetyAtHome activity packs that we have received from the CEOP Education Team. It contains simple 15-minute activities you can do at home with your child using Thinkuknow resources.