Please find below the overview and resources for home learning for Year 3. You can access the documents by clicking on these links:
Online Safety Pack for Parents (Pack 2)
This is the second pack of #OnlineSafetyAtHome activity packs that we have received from the CEOP Education Team. It contains simple 15-minute activities you can do at home with your child using Thinkuknow resources.
Access the link below:
Week 3 Home Learning Overview (20.04.20)
Please find below the overview and resources for home learning for Year 3. You can access the documents by clicking on these links:
Week 2 Home Learning Overview (30.03.20)
Please find below the overview and resources for home learning for Year 3. You can access the documents by clicking on these links:
Expanded Noun Phrases Worksheet
Science Pushes and Pulls Worksheet
Telling the Time to the Nearest Minute Worksheet
Authorfy Daily Challenge
Authorfy are running daily 10 minute challenges from children’s authors! There have been some fantastic challenges across the week, and today’s challenge is about creating a monster from plastic and drawing a comic strip! Access the link below:
The author running the challenge today is M.G. Leonard, who visited our school earlier this year and worked with some of the children in KS2, so I’m sure they will really enjoy this challenge. Send in your work via Class Dojo, email or tag us on Twitter at: @westcornforthps.
Online Safety Pack for Parents (Pack 1)
We will be publishing #OnlineSafetyAtHome activity packs that we have received from the CEOP Education Team. The pack will be published fortnightly, and will contain simple 15-minute activities you can do at home with your child using Thinkuknow resources.
Access the link below:
Stay Active at Home
Brilliant ideas from County Durham Sport on how to say active at home, share your ideas and active workouts with your teachers via ClassDojo. You could even follow our West Cornforth Primary page on Twitter and tag us on there! @westcornforthps
Week 1 Home Learning Overview (23.03.20)
Please find below the overview and topic work for home learning for Year 3. You can access both documents by clicking on these links:
Zoo Live Streaming Tasks
A range of zoos and aquariums are offering live streams of their animals. Keep busy at home by watching animals live and see what they are up to in real time. You may not get the chance to see these animals in a zoo near you, so take the chance to have a look.
Suggested tasks:
- Write an adventure story including an animal of your choice
- Write a diary entry from an animal’s point of view
- Draw a picture of your favourite animal and label it
- Write a newspaper report based on an animal
- Creative artwork based on an animal you have watched
- Write about ‘a day in the life of…’
- Write about how the animals might feel about being in a cage/enclosure
- What is the difference between being in captivity and in the wild?
Access a range of live streams below:
Edinburgh Zoo (UK)
Panda, Koala, penguin & Tiger cams
Marwell Zoo (UK)
Flamingo, Penguin, Giraffe & Lemur cams
Dublin Zoo (Ireland)
Elephants, Penguins, giraffes, rhinos, ostrich & zebras cams
San Diego Zoo (USA)
Houston Zoo (USA)
Giraffe, Gorilla, Chimp, Elephant, Leafcutter Ant & Rhino cams
Living Coast Wild Planet trust (UK)
Paignton Zoo (UK)
Meerkat & Sulawesi Crested Macaque cams
Smithsonian’s National Zoo (USA)
Naked Mole-Rat, Lion, Giant Panda & Elephant cams
Monterey Bay Aquarium (USA)
Kansa City Zoo (USA)
King Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, Polar Bear & Masai Giraffe cams
ORDER in the House of Commons!
On Thursday 20thJune, Class 3 and Class 4 were given the opportunity to put their debating skills to the test in a mock House of Commons setting, led by an official member of parliament! Following an important assembly on our political system and democratic rights, children were spit into the ‘government’ and the ‘opposition’. They debated a range of ‘new laws’, including: a law that states children must spend two extra hours afterschool each work doing exercise and children should be limited to 2 hours of screen time a night. Although neither new law passed their democratic votes, children respected the views of each other and presented strong, well-considered points on both sides of the debate and had a wonderful time.