At West Cornforth Primary School, we recognise the need to support the emotional and social development of our children. We have recently set up a Nurture Room with appointed staff which aims to offer specific interventions and support for emotional and social development. This is particularly important for children with ASD.
- Weekly sessions available in school from the school counsellor.
- Three members of staff trained in Therapeutic story writing to support children’s individual needs.
- Staff trained in delivery of the ‘Getting along’ programme to support social development.
- School operates a ‘Buddy’ system for learning and social activities. Younger children supported by older children.
- The school has ‘Rainbow flag’ ambassadors to tackle HBT bullying and support children with identity and sexuality.
- The Nurture Room is used effectively to support children that need additional emotional and social support.
- After school games clubs promote social development.
- Lunchtime clubs (including the nurture club) promote opportunities for children to develop their social skills in a safe environment.
- Two staff members have completed their ELSA training and sessions are available throughout the week.
- Support pupils to develop their resilience, it is OK to make mistakes, adopt a fresh start and ‘can- do’ approach.
- Predictable, structured routine.
- Maintain good relationships with pupils by valuing them as individuals.
- Children experience frequent opportunities to experience success and to receive praise from staff.
- Children’s social and emotional wellbeing is a priority.
- Opportunities to work in small group situations to facilitate the development of social interaction, turn taking and cooperation with peers.
- Specific cues for changes/instructions e.g., visual, use of name, warning in advance (monthly visual timetables are used).
- Pupil to independently access or request access to an environment with reduced social demand, access a personalised workstation/quieter area etc.