Chair: Olivier
Activities Coordinator: Ethan
Competition Coordinator: Marcas
Sports Reporter: Georgia
Change 4 Life Champion: Mia
Our School Sports Organising Crew (SSOC) are people who help run sports events and make sure we have a happy and healthy school. Every day at lunchtime, we plan and hold a sport clubs or event to keep everyone active. These clubs are for everyone, so that all children are active for as long as possible throughout the day. We are also involved in the planning and decision making of sport and PE throughout the school, and have recently helped to suggest equipment to buy for our school. Also, we are planning to have part of the newsletter with all the sport news after an event and to have people (Year 5 & 6) to help us with other jobs.
FSU SSOC Club Our aim is to get the FSU (Foundation Stage Unit) into sport. Firstly we will plan a rota of exciting activities to get the younger children moving. They will participate in a range of sporting games throughout the week, including: parachute games, tag games, races and ball games.