Dear Parents/Carers,
Following the recent government announcement regarding a phased return to school for some pupils, we have been working closely with Durham County Council to establish what is right for our school.
After lots of planning and discussion, we are prepared to welcome back children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on June 15th. In order to ensure social distancing measures are adhered to, classrooms have been measured and reorganised appropriately. Mrs Cunliffe has devised a staffing rota and children will be taught in groups of six. The maximum number of children we can safely admit is sixty.
Children in Reception will be dropped off and collected at the nursery gate, Year 1 will use the Reception gate and Year 6 will use the main gate. This will ensure families are socially distanced. We are fortunate in the fact we have a large yard and lots of outdoor space. Each key stage will have their own designated play area and toileting facilities. Lunch will be served in classrooms.
Our school risk assessment and staffing rota is available; please contact the school if you would like a copy. In order to keep numbers to a minimum, breakfast club will start at 7:45 a.m. for working parents only. We will also offer after school care until 4 p.m. – again for working parents only.
From June 1st, activities and resources will continue to be provided for those children who remain at home. Packed lunches will be delivered ‘as normal’ until further notice. I would like to express my thanks to Cornforth House for their support during this time.
The situation in school, will be reviewed at the end of every week, to ensure everyone remains as safe as possible. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any concerns, please email, text or Dojo and we will respond as quickly as possible. It has been (and continues to be) a challenge for all of us. On behalf of my dedicated staff and governors, I would like to thank you for your continued support and patience.
Kindest regards and stay safe.
Jill Hodgson
School Curriculum
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the situation regarding home learning becomes more complex, with the possibility of some children returning to school, it is necessary to make some changes to the curriculum.
The DfE guidance states we are not expected to deliver the full curriculum at present. However, at West Cornforth we do know we can continue to deliver a creative and relevant curriculum.
We will be to adopting a whole school theme or topic. This will be delivered to the children in school, and exactly the same tasks will be planned for those who are continuing to learn at home. Maths and English home learning sessions will be planned as usual for home learners and the children in school. The year group skills can generally be taught through any topic and this will make the curriculum more manageable through this time of blended learning.
Outdoor learning will be a strong theme, as will PHSCE and transition.
I hope this helps you to plan for the forthcoming weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, if you require further support or educational resources.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Cunliffe