Brilliant resources available from Durham Music Service @TrustDurham. For any children that want additional online music learning, they are running the following online sessions:
- Action Monday (wake up the week with an Action Song)
- Rockin Rhythm Tuesday ( Have fun with rhythm with percussion/household objects)
- Ukulele Wednesday (Sing and strum for Uke Fun!)
- Singalong Thursday ( Catchy songs for all the family)
- Signing Friday (Sing and Sign for all)
These are streamed through YouTube, and you can access the link below:
If you are taking part, Durham Music Service are asking parents and carers (and teachers) to post videos of pupils taking part in our content or a short video of them playing and then posting to Twitter with the hashtag #DMShomesessions. You can also send videos and pictures of your online music learning to your teachers on Class Dojo, or tag the school Twitter account at: @westcornforthps.