At West Cornforth Primary School, we are sports superstars. We want our children to feel comfortable and confident when taking part in physical education and sport. We want our children to love sport and have a positive experience with it, ensuring the children have no limits to their achievements in later life. We want children to have the aspiration to become professional sport athletes, Olympians and medal winners.
At West Cornforth Primary, we work to meet the requirements of the PE national curriculum while ensuring that every child has the chance to participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. In our opinion, children will continue to have the drive, self-assurance, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and accept responsibility for their participation in physical activity, sport, and PE. This will be achieved through experiences and a broad, balanced, and progressive curriculum tailored to all children. Every West Cornforth Primary child will experience a lifelong love of sport, exercise, and physical education. We work with all children to ensure that they develop physically and socially. They are able to maintain a healthy physical and mental outlook on the future because of this.
The PE coordinator created and refined the curriculum at West Cornforth Primary School, which incorporates a wide range of sports, life skills, and confidence. The new National Curriculum is fully covered, closely adhering to the core tasks for each year group. Children at West Cornforth Primary School undertake weekly PE sessions.
· Our lunchtimes and break times at West Cornforth are an important time for children to engage in physical activity. There is a weekly sport rota which is followed by our Active 10 Leaders and supported by Mr Whitelock. This allows our children to have a broad and well-rounded opportunity to engage in physical activity.
· At West Cornforth, children have access to a variety of extracurricular activities such as after school clubs and tournaments.
· A progression of skills document is used for each year group. This document ensures that skills are developed in accordance with the National Curriculum. Each year the children build on the skills they were taught the previous year. Children’s progress is monitored by the use of Target Tracker which is accessed by all teachers.
· Year 3 and 4 children take part in weekly swimming. The children learn an important life skill which incorporates life saving techniques.
· All lessons are planned using ‘Core Tasks’ taken from Durham County Council. The lessons focus on improvement in performance, competition and social and emotional development.
· We are a member of Go Well. Go Well is an organisation of competitive and non-competitive sports activities that allows children to compete against other schools across Durham county.
· Our curriculum is inclusive of all children. Every child has access to well planned and resourced PE sessions that effectively meet their needs.
· We work in partnership with other sport organisations local to the area such as Spennymoor Town Football Club, where they deliver football sessions after school for one term a year.
· The PE Coordinator works closely with EYFS to support the children’s physical development. They focus on improving core strength and they develop their fine and gross motor skills.
The curriculum is designed to promote performance, competitiveness and to improve their social and emotional growth. The value of physical education will inspire children to develop self-esteem and resilience which will help them become independent and take charge of their own wellbeing throughout their future.
The Early Years Foundation Stage outcomes support children’s physical development from birth to age 5. Physical education lessons are planned using the outcomes provided to ensure children meet their early learning goals. We provide opportunities for children to be physically active inside and outside the classroom. Children are provided with milk and a fruit snack to support the promotion of being healthy.
Subject Area Progression Map
Physical Education Progression Map at West Cornforth Primary School
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