At West Cornforth Primary School, we believe that the learning of a language provides a valuable educational, social, and cultural experience for our pupils. Through language learning, we intend to help our children to develop communication skills, including key skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The linguistic skills gained will assist and lay foundations for further language learning and will provide pupils with the confidence and independence to explore and be able to attempt manipulation of the structure of language. Learning another language gives children a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others. Increased capability in the use of MFL promotes initiative, confidence and independent learning. It also encourages diversity within society.
Additionally, learning a modern foreign language prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world. The rise of international commerce, means pupils need to be equipped with the skills needed by the international workplace. We aim to introduce lifelong language learning skills that the pupils will be encouraged to develop. We want to teach and embed the skills pupils will be able access in the future, either when learning new languages, or when improving their competence in an existing language.
We will use a variety of teaching and learning styles. Our principal aim is to develop pupils’ knowledge, skills, and understanding. Pupils will have the opportunity to support their work with a variety of resources. We aim for a balance of whole class, group and independent learning. The children’s knowledge of how language works will be developed and extended.
The lessons are to be delivered by the class teacher with support from the MFL Subject Leader. In order to ensure progression and skills development, pupils in years 3-6 are entitled to at least 30 minutes of MFL teaching a week. Schemes of work and recommended resources are available on the DLG in a folder made available by the MFL Subject Leader. This will be continuously undated to ensure staff have access to appropriate resources.
Our Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2 pupils will be prepared for the learning of a foreign language by the immersion in other cultures through games, songs and activities. We encourage a whole school approach which begins when pupils enter the school.
The MFL lessons are to include:
- Learning Spanish vocabulary.
- Asking and answering questions in Spanish.
- Using bilingual dictionaries.
- Listening and understanding Spanish dialogue.
- Beginning to understand Spanish grammar and spelling patterns.
- Playing games using Spanish vocabulary.
- Learning Spanish Songs.
- Listening to stories in Spanish.
- Using language that has been taught in role play situations.
- Researching and learning about life Spanish speaking countries.
- Beginning to write phrases and sentences.
Through the high quality first teaching of Spanish taking place we will see the impact of the subject in the following ways:
- Children will become aware that a language has a structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another.
- Children will develop their language and communication through development of the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
- Children will enrich their language learning by developing an understanding of the Spanish culture.
- Children will transfer to KS3 effectively and successfully and will be well prepared to continue and develop their language skills.
Subject Area Progression Map
MFL Progression Map at West Cornforth Primary School
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