What is it like to live in Madagascar?
This was our topic for the first half term. We have looked at the different parts of a rainforest, made some posters on the ipads for endangered animals and also made food recipes from what you can find in a rainforest.
Horrid Henry Hunt
Mr Leake told us all about a problem…a window had been smashed and Horrid Henry was our culprit! Around the yard there were QR codes and we had to scan in the picture to give each clue. When we got back to the classroom we put all of the clues together to decide what had happened.
We also drew round Ben and created a larger than life Henry. We added post it notes to say how he feels, what he thinks and what he does. Some of us coloured him in to make it look like Horrid Henry!
Sports Week 2014
What a great week in school. All of the children were split up into World Cup groups. Each teacher was assigned a group and they planned activities for inside the classroom and out. The teams took parts in track events, field events and team events. The parents even came in to watch their children compete. The winning team was Group A. Well done everybody!