Please see a list of upcoming dates in case you missed them on the newsletter
- 3rd– 7th February Children’s Mental Health Week
- 7th February Know Yourself, Grow Yourself – dress in a way that shows your personality
- 5th-7th February Y5/Y6 Residential
- 11th February Safer Internet Day
- 18th February Y6 SATs meeting for parents
- 24th – 28th February Half Term
- 5th March Photographer in school
- 6th March World Book Day
- 10th March Science Week
- 12th March SEN Parent & Carer Coffee Morning
- 13th March Careers Day
- 21st March Red Nose Day
- 31st March & 1st April Parents Evening
- 10th April Easter Fun in school (Parents invited, more details to follow)
- 11th April PD Day -School Closed
- 14th April – 25th April Easter Holidays
- Tuesday 29 April Family Maths Café Year 600-11.00am
- KS2 SAT WEEK – 12TH – 15TH MAY
- 5th May May Day Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 6 May Reception Family Maths Café 9.00-11.00am
- 23rd May PD Day School closed
- 26th – 30th May Half term
- Tuesday 3 June Year 2 Family Maths Café 9.00-11.00am
- Tuesday 10 June Year 3 Family Maths Café Year 600-11.00am
- Tuesday 17 June Year 4 Family Maths Café Year 600-11.00am
- 23rd June EYFS Sports Day
- Tuesday 24 June Year 5
- 24th June KS1 & KS2 Sports Day
- 18th July Break up for Summer holidays